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Senior Pastor
Michael Staton (Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching, The Master’s Seminary) is the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Mustang, Oklahoma, where he has served since 2000. He has been married to Marcy since 1996. They have two married adult sons and two grandkids: Sutton Michael & Rosie May. Michael is a preaching mentor for doctoral students at The Master’s Seminary and also for The MacArthur Center for Expository Preaching. In addition, he is a regular online contributor for For sermons, books he has authored, and other resources, visit his ministry website at
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Family: Marcy and I met in college and were married in 1996.  She is the most talented person I know, the greatest supporter and helper I could ever hope to have, and is truly my best friend. The Lord has blessed us with two wonderful sons and two amazing, godly daughters-in-law. We are thankful that our sons and their wives all love Christ and actively serve in our church. We also have one grandson and a granddaughter, ten weeks apart. God has been so kind to our family.


Life Verse(s): I don’t have one specific “life verse” but there are a couple of verses that stay in my heart continually.  Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep in perfect peace he whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.”  Proverbs 21:31 says, “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord.”  1 Corinthians 9:16 says “…woe is me if I do not preach the gospel”.


Favorite book of the Bible: My favorite book is always whatever book of the Bible I am preaching through at the time. Overall, I would say for theology it would be Romans.  My favorite book for encouragement is Philippians.  My favorite book for practical living is James.


Favorite Bible character: I really love the book of Habakkuk and the personal change that you see unfold in the life of the prophet throughout the 3 chapters.  He was frustrated by the world around him, struggled with God’s plan and then eventually came to the place of full surrender and confidence in the purpose, plan and sovereignty of God.


Books you would recommend: The Bible, Desiring God by John Piper, Biblical Doctrine by John MacArthur, Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders, Teach Them Diligently by Lou Priolo, The Trellis and the Vine by Marshall & Payne, Called to Lead by John MacArthur, and Preaching & Preachers by Martyn Lloyd-Jones.


Hobbies: Spending time with my wife, doing anything with my family, doing yard work, lifting weights, and watching OU and Thunder sports. But my favorite hobby is being Grandpa to my grandkids!


Favorite Meal: My favorite restaurant in OKC is Mahogony's, although it is reserved for just very special occasions -- but it is my favorite! I like any steakhouse and never turn down a meal from Chic-Fil-A.


Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere a cruise ship takes me that is hot outside.


Favorite Sports Team(s): Marcy and I are avid OU Sooner fans and follow them very closely and passionately. I am also a huge OKC Thunder fan.


Something people may not know about you that they would find interesting: When I was being called to ministry in college I struggled greatly.  I knew that I was being called to preach, but I suffered from a very severe fear of public speaking.  The fear, being as bad as it was, caused me to put off surrendering to ministry for several months.  I figured it was going to be difficult to preach if I was afraid to speak in front of people! God has been gracious and helped me to overcome that fear. The Lord called me in weakness and has been faithful to me as I have tried to live out His call upon my life.


Published Books: Anchored in Hope: a 40 Day Devotional, Christmas: God’s Greatest Gift, Pray Then Like This. Books are available at

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